2 Year Old Provision

Welcome to our 2 year provision.

Children can start our nursery the day of their 2nd birthday. We accept 2 year funding and privately paid places. 

We provide term time childcare from 8am to 4pm at a cost of £6 per hour or £40 per day. Due to high demand in places we require all children to attend at least 12 hours per week. 

Our 2 Year Provision is a self contained area within our school Nursery classroom. Children have their own safe indoor space to explore and learn. The indoor environment has a cosy reading area, small world, water tray, construction, mark-making, home corner, sensory space and busy fingers table. Children have access to our Nursery outdoor garden rain or shine. 

We currently have space for 12 children per session.

2 Year Provision Tour:

Our Early Years curriculum is carefully planned to make sure that all children thrive and achieve. In the Two Year Old Provision we will focus on the Three Prime areas. These areas are crucial for a child’s learning and development. These three prime areas are:

  • Personal, social and emotional development;
  • Communication and language;
  • Physical development;

We aim to support each child to identify their own sense of identity and self – worth, as well as focusing on each and every child’s individual needs and interests.  As part of our daily routine children take part in a welcome session, sit down snack and a story session. 

In the Moment Planning Approach

The majority of the session is led by the children's interests. 

Children are most engaged when they are undertaking activities that are child initiated and based on children's current interests. When children show high levels of involvement, that is when there is progress and development occurring – when the brain is at its most active.

By providing an open ended and enabling environment supported by skillful staff we are able to seize the moment when a child shows a level of interest and curiosity. We can then draw out and extend these moments. Different children will engage in a range of ways,'In the Moment Planning' ensures that every child's experiences are acknowledged and built upon.

Each week we choose 'Focus Children', during a child's focus week staff spend extended periods of time interacting and observing them to ensure we have a deep understanding of the child's overall development. From this we identify their next steps and plan how we can support this in setting. 

Parents in Partnership 

Having strong parent partnerships has many benefits for your child’s development. Parents are a child’s first and enduring educators. When parents and practitioners work together the results have a positive impact on the child’s development and learning. We use Class Dojo to post photographs of what the children learn about each day and we use Evidence Me to send weekly observations to parents so you can see how well your child is doing. We also host 'Stay and Play' sessions each term so you can spend time with your child in setting your child's key worker. We work very closely with parents to support you with issues like toilet training, behaviour, etc. 

If you require further information or an application please contact us on:


Our Sessions:

Morning Session:

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Afternoon Session:

1:00 pm - 4.00 pm

All Day Sessions:

8:00am- 4:00pm 

Our 2 Year Provision Key Workers:

Mrs Leigh

Miss McColl

Miss Horsfield

For further information on paying for your childcare please visit:


2 Year Funding Eligibility:

To qualify for a free place you must evidence that you are in receipt of one or more of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The ‘Guarantee’ element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit and the annual gross household income does not exceed £16,190, as assessed by HMRC, & the family is not in receipt of Working Tax Credit
  • Children in the care of the local authority
  • Working Tax Credit and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190

Eligible children will be able to attend the term after he/she is two, up until the end of the term that he/she reaches three. At this point, children will be eligible for a free nursery education place and automatically move into our Nursery Classroom. More information about 2 year old places can be found here.

Advantages of 2 Year Provision:

There are many recognised benefits to attending 2 Year Old provision in a school setting:

  • Children experience continuity of education and care without the disruption of transition from age 2 or 3 to the end of the Nursery year, with 2 year olds receiving priority admission to Nursery in the term following their 3rd birthday.
  • Enables children to work with staff who have time to get to know them really well.
  • Enables parents to build relationships with the school community, providing support for the whole of their primary school career.
  • Where possible to provide extended care to support parents’ training or return to work.



Useful Documents: