Our Faith

I am... friendship, truth and respect!

We build our school on strong Christian values, supporting our children and families as members of the Wargrave community and the wider world. We trust God to guide both children and adults to reach their full potential, in a nurturing loving environment. 

Our school has good links with Emmanuel Wargrave Church and the children attend services each term.  Occasionally, services are also held in school. Reverend Chris comes in to school on a weekly basis to deliver worship to either Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2. 

The children also have the opportunity to go to other local churches in the team ministry as part of the R.E curriculum. For example, Year 2  look at the layout and the features of a Christian church, paying close attention to the altar, the pulpit and the stained-glass windows whilst other year groups have the opportunity to participate in the Christmas Journey and Easter Experience. 

Eucharist is held in school or at Emmanuel Wargrave for children and staff on a termly basis.    

Services and events for children and families are held at Emmanuel Wargrave and all are welcome to these – they are publicised within school and a number of children attend these, particularly those on the Ethos Team.  


  "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord."

Our school Christian values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.    

The values were selected by the families, staff and friends of Wargrave Church of England Primary School and Emmanuel Wargrave.  Each term we focus on a specific whole school Christian value and celebrate these in our weekly Celebration Worship.  

Our core values are: I am...




Our School Prayer 

This is Wargrave Church of England School
Let peace live here,
The let the rooms be full of happiness
Let love live here
Love of one another, love of mankind, love of life itself and love of God
And let us remember as many hands build a house so many hearts make a school.


Pop up prayer spaces

Our Online Collective Worship

During school closure, owing to Covid-19, we have continued to provide weekly acts of worships for our Wargrave family.  Here is this week's:

Pentecost Sunday


Previous weeks' Collective Worship:

Calming The Storm

Noah's Ark

Doubting Thomas


I'm Special

