
The teaching of Grammar and Spelling is in line with the requirements of The National Curriculum (2014). Grammar is timetabled to be taught discreetly. However, grammar skills are also embedded within English lessons where appropriate.

In Early Years Foundation Stage and Year 1, our phonics teaching makes strong links between blending for reading, segmenting for spelling and handwriting. We encourage all of our pupils to apply their phonic knowledge when spelling. 

From Year 1 upwards, children are taught the age related spelling content using our lists below.  Our scheme of work provides us with a manageable tool for meeting the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum.

Our focus on teaching spelling embraces the knowledge of spelling conventions, patterns and rules. We also promote the learning of spellings, through the use of multi-sensory strategies, including combining the teaching of spelling and handwriting. Our teaching of spelling includes common exception words, high frequency words and topic words.

Follow the links under each year group to find the appropriate spellings

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